Upcoming Tours

Specialized Travel

MySite has a great selection of tours to choose from. Whether you're taking a trip by land, by air, or by sea, we have something for you.

Of course, MySite is always willing to add new tours to offer, so if you don't see the tour you want to take, it's as simple as sending us a message. Don't forget to ask us about custom or group tours.

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Land Vacations

Land Programs

You can never know just where your adventurous side will take you. From far off exotic destinations to the peaks of great mountains – the world has so many amazing things to discover. When you set out on a vacation across land with MySite, you're getting more than just a holiday – you're getting an experience with memories that will last a lifetime.

Whichever direction you choose, let MySite be there to guide your way and ensure that your next vacation is the best you've ever had.

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Cruise Offers

A cruise is a great way to escape the stresses of life and find serenity on the gentle waves of the sea. With so many cruise operators to choose from, it's not difficult to find your perfect cruise. MySite takes great pride in offering you only the best of ocean and river cruises, so you know you're getting a great trip, with great value.

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Our Exclusive Groups


If there's one thing MySite knows about, it's travel, and we've put together a list of our all-time preferred operators. Our Exclusive Groups are trusted and true and we invite you to take advantage of our related tours.

Our Exclusive Groups

Why choose MySite?

Your travel plans are too important to put in just any hands. That's why MySite puts so much effort into ensuring you get the vacation you've been dreaming of. From flight plans to perfect places to dine, MySite will make sure every detail of your travel plan is covered, no matter how small. If you're looking for the perfect vacation without all the stress, you've come to the right place – MySite has you covered!